Crisis Management

Crisis Management

Unexpected – Unintended

In an instant things can go from seemingly perfect to utter pandemonium complete with  the potential for devastating aftermath just because no matter what we do in business and in life stuff happens. Other times it’s unintended consequences resulting from decisions that had no apparent connection and then WHAM  unintended fallout strikes like a ton of bricks. What do you do?  The first step is to exhale to release the automatic tension that occurs in moments of panic or crisis.  The next steps will depend on the actions you’ve taken before the crisis occurred…

Because the best time to plan for the unexpected and the unintended is BEFORE they happen. That’s where ongoing customized consulting and executive education components  like H-C’s; BootCampsmModified War Gamessm, Team Member, Mock Negotiations and CNSUF™: EVOLVE LIVE  come into the picture. But if your group or company hasn’t taken advantage of these resources or if the challenges you or your team are facing go beyond your expectations or you just want to find out if there are options you haven’t identified or considered call Harrison-Chevalier  because we know better than anyone that “Circumstances do not dictate outcomes!”

Many times there aren’t any easy choices there are only difficult decisions but how we make those decisions, how we see those choices often determines how or even if we’re going to survive at all.  H-C doesn’t have a Chrystal ball but we do have over 20 years of experience with lessons from hundreds of difficult and sometimes life threatening situations to apply toward a creative proprietary solution for your challenge.  Let us join with you to focus attention and resources where they’ll promote the best possible outcome.  Remember “Circumstances do not dictate outcomes!”

H-C consulting Can Help!

Harrison-Chevalier can partner with your team by providing customized conference or video calls or live onsite sessions all designed to identify and craft tailored solutions specifically structured to address your situation and meet your goals and objectives. No matter what level of experience your team has  (or doesn’t have) H-C may be able to provide cost effective  consulting and support services that will quickly, and effectively, raise the bar, strengthen your position, and minimize your potential risks.  Call 818 242-8005 today to find out how H-C can help.

Crisis Management • Pre/Post Debrief • Off Site & Onsite Consulting & executive education


Call 818 242-8005 today, or CLICK BELOW TO SCHEDULE a discrete conversation about your needs and preferences.

Want to build or strengthen your negotiation skills?

CNSUF™ EVOLVE LIVE 1-Day 2-Day Workshops.

The first and only universal negotiation framework built in and for the 21st century!

Symbiolateral Perspective

Symbiolateral perspective is the CNSUF™ proprietary term that refers to seeing or being aware of  a crisis or negotiation environment from virtually every angle simultaneously. In the heat of a crisis or potentially difficult situations people tend to focus on their assumptions and limitations rather than the options and opportunities. Or they focus on the past and the future rather than the present right in front of them… However, the astute H-C negotiator considers on all of these individual elements  simultaneously and then systematically analyses and weighs what is learned, determines what is pertinent and discards what isn’t to formulate a cohesive strategy or set of next steps.


Because no two clients, and no two situations are identical the best and highest solutions are rarely going to come from the application of rote rules or pre determined formulas. Rather, the most effective strategies often require a combination  of many ingredients infused with a dash of creativity.  What works for one client won’t be adequate for another. Timing, finesse, courage and risk all play an important  role as do many other elements.

H-C will partner  with you to craft a symbiolateral perspective, and ultimately  find the highest and best possible solution(s).  Call 818 242-8005 now to find out more.

When a crisis hits the last thing you need are theoretical  axioms or motivational platitudes you want answers and concrete action steps that get results right now!

And that is exactly what you’ll get when you call Harrison-Chevalier. Tailored strategies and action steps that help define the challenges and get you moving toward the best possible solutions quickly…

Don’t Negotiate Without Us!

H-C Consulting Can Help

Concrete customized solutions and action steps that get results. Call 818 242-8005 today, or click below to schedule a no cost, discreet consultation.