Modified War Games

Modified Negotiation War Games - Practice Makes Perfect!

Virtually All Military and Paramilitary organizations take part in full scale war games in order to stay prepared for real world challenges.

banks and financial institutions regularly participate in the equivalent of war games called stress tests designed to test how they will perform given a particular set of events.

Clearly there are great benefits for businesses engaged in significant negotiations.

Why not test your people and  see how your resources stand up against the challenges that you need to be prepared to address in your next big negotiation?

H-C’s CNSU™ Modified War Game©  (MWG) framework are scaled up or down depending on the specific needs, goals and objectives of each client and on factors determined during our proprietary pre-program assessment.

In some ways CNS  Modified War Games are like mock negotiations except that more time and preparation are invested in the development of the prospective counterparts, location, logistics, competitive intelligence, role preparation, duration etc.

War Games

While a mock negotiation might involve having the members of the same organization take on the role of someone described in a given scenario, the MWG might actually involve a counterpart from outside of the client’s organization or someone who has been rigorously prepared to take on the personality and idiosyncrasies of those with whom our client will be negotiating.

Think of the MWG as a sophisticated dress rehearsal that will accomplish a great deal of what a military or para-military war game accomplishes with significantly less cost and potentially higher ROI.   Call 818 242-8005 today to find out how H-C’s exclusive MWG framework can help your business be ready for that next important negotiation.


Analysis & Debrief

Depending on individual client needs and preferences the structure and design of your MWG might include:

  • A sequestered intensive working session.
  • Observation Gallery of  colleagues who will ask questions, make suggestions, pose scenarios. 
  • Role Play mimicking the actual negotiation.
  • Debrief Session to challenge the participants and observers to greater depth and competence.
  • Embedded Team Member during actual negotiations. 
  • Tailored components designed exclusively for you.
While MWG’s can be useful and effective for organizations who are not otherwise clients of H-C, the greatest value of the MWG is derived by those clients who have been exposed to H-C’s proprietary negotiation on & offsite consulting and workshops; especially those who have experienced CNS: EVOLVE Live.

If we understand what our counterpart is going to do before we engage, we can better prepare for how to respond when we do engage.  If we do not understand what our counterpart is going to do, then we need to prepare differently. H-C’s Modified War Games can be that difference.“
After partnering with clients to determine their precise needs and preferences H-C can combine and tailor virtually any combination of our consulting services and educational programs to create a unique proprietary  profile designed specifically for you!  H-C understands that  some  challenges can be identified and resolved relatively quickly, other challenges  and objectives require a comprehensive multifaceted approach in order to achieve the highest and best possible outcome. Choose from a wide range of consulting services and educational components to create the solution that exceeds your expectations… Call 818 242-8005 today

A Coordinated Approach

Because H-C is a primarily a negotiation consultancy we don’t just provide workshops and educational programs to our clients, we provide a full range of integrated services that allow us to offer coordinated multifaceted solutions and support. H-C’s average client relationship is seven years and our best clients retain a full range of ongoing consulting, off and onsite education, on demand consulting so their employees can get support when they need it.  Whether you’re an individual, small,  medium size business or corporate conglomerate H-C will do everything in our power to provide consistently outstanding quality and results. Call today to inquire about availability since H-C maintains a limited client list in order to retain the highest standards.  Find out how H-C’s full range of consulting services, executive education workshops and programs can benefit you or your organization. 
