H-C’s experience in the automotive sector spans more than twenty-five years, involving virtually every aspect of sales, procurement, design, development, engineering, and administration.
One out of every four vehicles in the world possesses parts, or elements that have been manufactured, purchased, or sold by our clients, and their ROI has been massive!
This includes one client whose billing of $1.3 million, has yielded in excess of $140 million in verified savings!
Our proprietary automotive 360 approach including onsite, offsite , live and virtual CNSUF™ in-house training programs, on-demand “stealth” consulting and coaching services are unparalleled, because they are specifically tailored for you, and your automotive organization, team, or department. They are unmatched by any competitor on the planet, and we’re prepared to prove it!
EVOLVE Live ½, 1, and 2-day training programs are meticulously curated, fast paced, multisensory, career defining events that set the foundation for explosive growth, and long term reinforcement, ultimately driving knowledge, and new skills into the brain until they are second nature.
Don’t take our word for it, click below to schedule a no cost, no obligation intro call, or no-cost site visit to see if your company qualifies, and find out for yourself!

Sample Topics
- 7 Different Modes Of CNSUF™
- How To Resolve Customer Supplier & Vendor Issues
- How To Alter Deadlines
- How To Counter Any Objection
- How To Lower Costs/Increase Sales
- How To Reduce/Increase Scope
- How To Give Less To Get More
- How To Change Others Priorities
- How To Deal With "WOKE"
- How To Break A Deadlock
- How To Handle Internal Conflicts
- How To Close or Covert Anybody
On Demand Consulting - Problem Solved
The training is over, but then you run into a real world, on the job problem, question, or deadline, and you don’t have time to read a book, or review your notes?
No problem, schedule an on-demand stealth consulting session on H-C’s booking portal, or call and request an emergency session to get specific action steps, a strategy review, or virtually any other support tailored expressly for you!
At the same time, you’ll get reminders and reinforcement related to the CNSUF™ training which significantly increases your skill set and comprehension!
Beyond that H-C offers “Stealth Consulting Only” agreements, so you have support only when and where you want it, or need it.
Add to that customized Bronze Silver Gold & Platinum consulting packages, licensing agreements, ongoing off and onsite challenge specific consulting. Plus clients can choose from individual components like BootCamp© Mock Negotiation Modified War Games© or H-C will work with you to develop a program that exceeds your expectations.
To experience the benefits of H-C’s “Stealth Consulting” first hand, Click here or the button below to schedule a free no cost, no obligation session now!
In the first place sales and procurement professionals have to do a whole lot more than know how to buy or sell in order to buy or sell effectively in today’s Emerging Integrated Global Economy (EIGE).
More important the automotive business model involves hundreds of people who are vital to the process of product development, testing, warehousing, managing and so on who don’t sell or buy anything directly; people like engineers, designers, administrators, security, production personnel, project managers, accounting and financial professionals. And because these people don’t buy or sell directly many of them never receive training in negotiation yet they all negotiate every day of their careers; isn’t that odd
It’s not only odd this oversight costs automotive companies tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars directly and indirectly every single year. As far as H-C is concerned that’s not just odd it’s wasteful and counterproductive.
One pervasive reason for this costly oversight originates with the historical structure of negotiation training prevalent in automotive which was (and for many still is) heavily saturated by stories, examples and discussion related solely to aspects of buying and selling.
So when professionals not directly connected or involved with buying and selling attend that kind of training it doesn’t resonate and ultimately many find that negotiation just isn’t worth the investment of their time or resources.But today’s Emerging Integrated Global Economy (EGIE) isn’t your typical economy and H-C’s proprietary consulting services and executive educational programs such as CNSUF™: EVOLVE LIVE™ onsite or virtual aren’t built on your typical negotiation framework. All H-C consulting services and educational programs are based on the CNS framework, the only universal negotiation framework built in and designed for the complex challenges of the 21st Century.
CNSUF has consistently been highly regarded by engineers and technical professionals, administrators, project managers, accounting & financial services professionals and called “Exceptional” by many new and experienced sales and procurement automotive professional alike!
Resilient & Complex
No where is the collective resilience and complexity of a critical international business more evident than in the automotive sector. H-C has deep roots and vast experience during every phase and with virtually every major player in automotive worldwide.At one point the automotive sector represented a majority of H-C’s client list so when the automotive sector got hit by the veritable tsunami of 2007-8 and thereafter H-C took a major shot as well.
At times the challenges seemed impossible but like the automotive sector H-C dug in, fought hard and used the painful lessons of the financial crisis as inspiration to strengthen and reinvent itself into a smarter stronger more diversified company than ever before.
All of that strength and resilience has been harnessed and poured into Comprehensive Negotiating Strategies (CNS), the only universal negotiation training framework built in and specifically for the 21st Century!
Is your automotive company ready for CNS: EVOLVE LIVE?
Choose a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze Consulting package or schedule the EVOLVE LIVE 1-Day or 2-Day customized in-house program and experience the cutting edge in negotiation theory and practice for the 21st century.
Powerful and interactive these workshops are fast paced, challenging and include pre & post assessment as well as live follow up consulting, hosted teleconferences or webinars and email support.
In addition each participant receives a customized comprehensive workbook, two perfect bound books including ROADMAP to Success with Dr. Steven Covey, Dr. Ken Blanchard and Derrick Chevalier. Influence – Rapport – Results and the brand new EVOLVE Or Be Slaughtered: Negotiation For The 21st Century,also by Derrick Chevalier. Call 818 242-8005 or CLICK HERE