Communication & Influence
Education dictates the future of society.
CNSUF™ negotiation skills give educators the power and tools to influence and define that future!
Sample Topics
- Salary & Benefit Negotiation
- Union & Charter Issues
- Raising Your Added Value
- Create Power With Influence
- How To Alter Deadlines
- Give Less To Get More
- Inspiration Vs Communication
- Survey Of Human Needs
- How To Counter Any Objection
- How To Change Others Priorities
- Styles of Management (Survey)
- Dealing With Difficult People
- 7 Different Modes Of Negotiation
- Education As Business
- Performance Over Experience

But how do educators communicate effectively and influence all of the divergent elements involved with education in the difficult and challenging Emerging Integrated Global Economy (EIGE) of today? How do they stretch limited resources? How do they navigate the complex variations of individual capabilities and cultural issues like language and poverty? How do they impact voters who don’t want to pay higher taxes? How do they balance relationships between private, public and charter institutions? THEY NEGOTIATE OR WITHER!
Clearly there is no single simple answer for any of these questions. But clearly the answers will not find themselves and the answers certainly won’t be created in a vacuum. Rather solutions will come through communication and influence among all of the interested players and through compromise.
Too many educators perceive negotiation as primarily concerned with the buying and selling of goods and services (And that’s important because educational institutions buy a lot of good and services!) but buying and selling are barely the tip of the iceberg where negotiation is concerned. Especially where H-C’s Comprehensive Negotiating Strategies Universal Framework (CNSUF™) is concerned.Negotiation impacts virtually every aspect of human interaction everyday (Check out this interview from CCN Sunrise with Derrick Chevalier. . CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!
Bottom line, if you want to be a truly effective educator Comprehensive Negotiating Strategies (CNSUF™), has to be part of your basic skill set because negotiation is what you are doing every day. It’s not a matter of whether you are negotiating on a daily basis it’s a matter of whether you are negotiating well or being negotiated by those who do.And Harrison-Chevalier is the perfect partner for educators because all of our consulting services and educational programs are based on the only universal negotiation framework as applicable and effective for the pre or secondary school teacher as for the university professor and the successful sales professional and doctor.
H-C offers a full range of consulting services for individuals, teams or groups of any size. Every program is tailored to meet your goals and objectives and can include one or more customized components such as BootCamp Mock Negotiations Team Member or Crisis Management. Or schedule a customized in-house workshop such as our award winning flagship 1-Day or 2-Day EVOLVE LIVEworkshops.
Or we can design a program from scratch. What do you need, how can we help? It all starts with a conversation so call H-C today at 818 242-8005, or CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE A NO COST NO OBLIGATION CONSULT!
Multifaceted Tailored Programs & Services
That’s why H-C’s pre-project assessment process will include elements such as our exclusive Confidential Client Questionnaire (CPQ), Confidential Participant Interview (CPI), onsite visits, telephone conferences calls, email correspondence, competitive intelligence, a review of pertinent previous educational experiences and events.
On and offsite meetings with participants at various levels in a defined sequence and/or other proprietary components based on a wide range of factors such as organizational structure, specific challenges & objectives, time frame, group dynamics, composition & strategic positioning of counterparts’ will all strengthen the relationship.
By using these elements and processes H-C partner’s with our clients and is then able to provide unprecedented levels of service and results.
Call 818 242-8005, email, or CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE A NO COST NO OBLIGATIONS CONSULT to discover CNSUF™ can work for you, for your school, or for your organization or group.
Smart Is As Smart Does

Every one of these groups wants to impact how educators do their jobs. Every one of these groups has separate demands opinions and expectations. That’s why few other skills are more important than CNSUF™ negotiation for educators.
H-C’s consulting services and education programs will make a difference in the way you do your job and in the way you handle the many demands you face on a daily basis. Don’t just be smart make a smart decision and call 818 242-8005, or CLICK HERE to inquire about H-C’s exclusive up to 50% percent fee reduction for educators and educational institutions.
H-C offers up to fifty-percent fee reductions for EVOLVE LIVE in-house 1 & 2-Day programs and tailored consulting services for most educators and educational institutions because we are committed to supporting education call 818 242-8005 for details!
Masters of Influence

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet” Aristotle
“Educators take something simple and make it complicated. Communicators take something complicated and make it simple”. John C. Maxwell
“CNSUF™ negotiators are educators when they must be, communicators when they need to be and masters of influence always.” Derrick Chevalier
H-C understands that some challenges can be identified and resolved relatively quickly, other challenges and objectives require a comprehensive multifaceted approach in order to achieve the highest and best possible outcome.Choose from a wide range of consulting services and educational components to create the solution that exceeds your expectations…Call 818 242-8005 today.