Engineers Technical-Professionals

Without negotiation competency many engineers and technical professionals (No matter how competent technically) are as much liabilities as assets to their employers  when engaged, or confronted with negotiation challenges outside of engineering, and technical areas. Why?  Because engineers, and technical professionals rarely have the same levels of competency in negotiation as they do in their professional discipline, and that can cost companies millions. CLICK TO  SCHEDULE A FREE NO COST NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION!


The fact is that to get the opportunity to do all of the design, building, and innovating, that engineers and technical professionals do, they have to navigate corporate structure, budgets, internal, and external  politics, management, and administrative responsibilities that often have little to do with the actual engineering,  and technical challenges they  were educated for, and love to do!

The reality is that the most successful engineers, and technical professionals need to know how to negotiate, as well as, they know how to solve engineering, and technical challenges. Yet many engineers and technical professionals don’t see the need, or relevance of negotiation skills. No doubt vendors, and contractors who interact with engineers or technical professionals who lack negotiation skill are thrilled, because that deficiency is one of their greatest assets.

One pervasive reason engineers & technical professionals refer to negotiation as a “Soft skill” originates with the historical structure of  the most popular, or prevalent negotiation courses over the past several decades.

Those courses are heavily saturated with stories, examples, and discussion related primarily to buying and selling. So when engineers and technical professionals attend those kinds of courses, they don’t resonate because engineers & technical professionals don’t see the relevance of the content to their specific duties, or professional objectives.

Ultimately, many engineers and technical professionals think that negotiation just isn’t worth the investment of their time or resources. But not with CNSUF™ Comprehensive Negotiating Strategies Universal Framework, because it is different. CNSUF™ has a quantitative foundation, based on the CNSUF™ Negotiation Continuum. It is the first and only universal negotiation framework specifically designed to be as relevant to engineers, and technical professionals, as it is to those who buy or sell for a living.

That’s why CNSUF™ has consistently been rated as “Excellent” or “Outstanding” by engineers and technical professionals from a broad spectrum of engineering & technical  fields.

H-C’s Comprehensive Negotiating Strategies Universal Framework (CNSUF™) consulting, and training programs are absolutely the best way for engineers and technical professionals to acquire, and refine their negotiation skill and competency.


Scientific Method

Using the Scientific Method, and a bit of innovation engineers and technical professionals solve the wonders of the world, and the universe. They start with questions, and don’t stop until they can validate the answers, and understand how, and why the elements fit together.Then they use the knowledge they’ve gained over their careers, along with incredible courage, and innovation to build, to explore, to learn and to innovate. In many ways engineers and technical professionals hold the world in their hands.  

Look in any direction, from any vantage point, and the evidence of their contributions to mankind are everywhere….

CNSUF™: EVOLVE LIVE is built on quantitative foundations.

That’s why CNSUF™ consistently receives the highest possible ratings from engineers and technical professionals from virtually every business sector and specialization.

H-C’s consulting, and negotiation training programs focus on Six Foundational Tenets:

How To:

  • Predict Reactions
  • Test Assumptions
  • Influence Actions
  • Minimize Risks
  • Maximize Results
  • Increase Skills & Knowledge
  • And Much More

Just like the Scientific Method, these six tenets lead to greater success, and better outcomes.

Once an engineer, or technical professional add CNSUF™ negotiation skills to their existing knowledge, and skill sets they become more effective, and more valuable than ever before.


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