Law & Legal Professionals: Excellent Negotiators?
Many law and legal professionals, are good at law, but lack comprehensive negotiating training. Why? Because many law and legal professionals never take or enroll in a single negotiation course while in school, or thereafter.
Yet, virtually every aspect of law involves some aspect of negotiation?
Being a good lawyer, or having legal training does not inherently make someone a good negotiator. The challenge is that like society at large, many lawyers mistake their legal training for negotiation expertise; it isn’t. To their credit, some lawyers are excellent negotiators, but most will readily admit that they didn’t become excellent negotiators in law school.
There are of course a few excellent negotiation courses that focus on lawyers specifically, the most recognizable being Harvard Negotiation Project & PON.
Many of those courses stem from the incredible work done by Professor’s Fisher & Ury the authors of such notable books as Getting to Yes & Getting Passed No. BUT THE WORLD HAS CHANGED.
The world has changed a lot since the publication of Getting To Yes, and perhaps there are new perspectives and evolved ways of looking at negotiation inside and outside of the law that can be beneficial to consider?
H-C believes that there are fresh perspectives and we also believe that many of those fresh perspectives and evolved insights are included in the Comprehensive Negotiating Strategies, CNSUF™ negotiation framework; in H-C’s tailored consulting services and in our flagship program CNSUF™: EVOLVE LIVE, and virtual workshops.
CNSUF™ is the first and only negotiation framework developed in and for the Emerging Integrated Global Economy (EIGE) of the 21st century.
If you are an attorney, or if you work in the legal profession, H-C would like to extend a special invitation for you to consider our cutting edge consulting services, and training programs, and by doing so experience the exceptional quality, service & ROI achieved by our clients.
Sample Topics

- The Downside of Precedent
- Influence Vs. Persuasion
- How To Neutralize Any Tactic
- Giving In Illogically
- What Legal Pros Are Paid To Do
- Lowering Costs
- Neutralize/Counter Any Objection
- Change Others Priorities
- Why Your BATNA Is Flawed
- Different Communication Styles
- 7 Modes Of Negotiation
- And So Much More
Multifaceted Tailored Programs & Services

Depending on individual client needs and preferences the structure and design of an CNSUF™ in-house program or consulting services will be comprised of different components, and each component will be tailored to meet your specific requirements. CLICK TO LEARN MORE.
Programs are also tailored based on H-C’s pre-project assessment process including some or all elements such as our exclusive Confidential Client Questionnaire (CPQ), Confidential Participant Interview (CPI), onsite visits, telephone conferences calls, email correspondence, competitive intelligence, a review of pertinent previous educational experiences and events are all often included.
H-C is not a law firm, and you may be wondering how our value and experience will benefit you, your career, or your organization? Over the years H-C has worked with a number of clients in an on-demand “Stealth” consulting, strategic capacity.
Some had lawyers, others did not. Several were facing counterparts represented by some of America’s largest and most prestigious, lawyers, and firms.
And yet, in virtually every instance, our clients prevailed using CNSUF™ strategies, implemented by them, or by their legal representation. In 2024 H-C represented clients who were HUGELY outgunned, but again, our clients prevailed…and the firms representing their counterparts, have no idea that we even exist… that is the power of “Stealth Consulting” and the CNSUF™ strategic advantage.
Call 818 242-8005, email, or CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE A NO COST NO OBLIGATION CONSULT, find out how H-C’s CNSUF™ training, and on-demand consulting, can elevate your success.
The Law
“A good judge starts with precedent“, Neil Gorsuch
“Great negotiators create precedent”, D. Chevalier
“A good deal of justice involves finding the synergy between a particular set of facts or circumstances and legal precedent. Good lawyers find and articulate that synergy better than their counterparts”.
But great lawyers not only find, and articulate the synergy between circumstances and existing precedent; they create new precedent by seeing and articulating synergies their counterparts failed to recognize”.
CNSUF™ skills enhance that capability!
A good judge starts with precedent
Honorable Judge Neil Gorsuch
A great negotiator creates precedent
Derrick Chevalier