Medical Professionals Negotiate Everyday
Patient Care and Treatment Plans
Staffing and Workload Management
Contracts and Compensation
Inter departmental Coordination
Patient Satisfaction and Feedback
Collaboration with External Partners
Just the tip of the iceberg, right?
Knowing when to say yes, and how to say no are critical. Understanding how to protect yourself, and advocate for your patients, your colleagues, is demanding.
Years of training , but how much of it has taught you to advocate issues at the highest possible level of competency?
Whether you are a doctor, nurse, technical professional, manager, administrator or staff employee H-C’s CNSUF™ “Stealth” Consulting, and EVOLVE LIVE & Virtual workshops and tailored services can put your negotiation skills on par with your medical skills and beyond. CLICK TO LEARN MORE!
Medical Nursing & Hospital Staff
Saving lives, improving the care and comfort of patients and making a difference isn’t that why you got into healthcare?
But everyday you deal with a vast cross section of patients, families; doctors with different styles, different specializations, and different competencies, that make it difficult to remember the benefits of your contributions and sacrifices day to day, it isn’t easy is it?
Nobody ever said a career in medicine was going to be easy, but for all the sacrifices it should be rewarding, you need to know that your efforts, and your contributions are being appreciated, you need to know that your work is valued. To do that you need to be an effective negotiator.
You need to know how to interact with patients, and families, and doctors with very different interests and communication styles.
You need to be able to influence colleagues who don’t always have the greatest bedside manner, and who may not even know what is best for a particular patient when it doesn’t involve their specialization.
You need to interact with co-workers, and with the administration. To do that skillfully, effectively, you need CNSUF™ Negotiation Skills.
H-C’s EVOLVE LIVE workshops and tailored consulting services can help you improve your added value, and increase your ability to harmonize the demands of your personal, and professional lives.
Medical Research & Technical Professionals
H-C’s EVOLVE LIVE negotiation workshops are the preference of many research and technical professionals because they’re based on quantitative foundations from the Comprehensive Negotiating Strategies Universal Framework, (CNSUF™), the only universal negotiation Framework designed, and built for the 21st century.
It’s not transactional negotiation like buying, or selling. It’s learning to negotiate timelines, priorities, resources and the expectations of other people.
It’s learning to interact with as many communication styles, and types as possible, so others can weigh, and understand the significance of your value.

However, on and offsite meetings with participants at various levels in a defined sequence and/or other proprietary components based on factors such as organizational structure, specific challenges & objectives, time frame, group dynamics, composition & strategic positioning of counterparts’ might also be part of the pre-workshop assessment.
By using these elements and processes H-C partners with you and is then able to provide unprecedented levels of service and results.
Call 818 242-8005, email:, or CLICK HERE to schedule a no cost no obligation consult. Find out how H-C’s tailored options for individuals, teams, or groups, can help you ascend to new heights in your medical career.
Medical Doctors & Senior Executives
Being a doctor, or senior level executive in medicine requires a whole lot more than technical competence.
Given local, State, and Federal mandates, administrative demands, controlling costs, attracting talent, contracts, egos, lawsuits, and legal considerations; medicine is as much a business as any other except the bottom line is saving, and improving life itself for as many as possible.
How can you be a competent professional in medicine, and not understand the important role of negotiation in every facet of what you do?
Harrison-Chevalier offers a full range of consulting services for individuals, for groups, and for organizations alike. We can tailor a single segment, or facilitate a full complement of consulting, and educational components depending on your goals and objectives.
H-C’s EVOLVE LIVE 1 & 2-Day negotiation workshops are outstanding interactive sessions with extremely high ROI.
Get access to H-C’s ” Stealth” Consulting to have support and detailed action steps at your fingertips. Call 818 242-8005, email:, of CLICK HERE to discuss your challenges and preferences.
Sample Topics For Medical Professionals
- Staffing and Workload Management
- Handling Types of Patients
- Raising Your Added Value
- Createing Power With Influence
- How To Alter Deadlines
- Negotiating With Colleagues
- Contracts & Compensation
- Negotiating With Vendors & Suppliers
- How To Counter Any Objection
- Changing Others Priorities
- Testing Limits
- Handling Deadlock & Inertia
- 7 Different Modes Of Negotiation
- Dealing With Delicate Egos- Gender & Titles
- Insurance Companies & Patients
- Effective Communication - Adjusting For Different Styles
- Resolving Internal Conflicts
- Creating Harmony Over Balance in Life & Work
- Tailored Topics To Your Preference & Goals