
CNSUF™ The Universal Negotiation Framework

H-C’s negotiation workshops, consulting, and training programs center around our proprietary Comprehensive Negotiating Strategies Universal Framework CNSUF™, featuring the groundbreaking CNSUF Continuum™, the first and only negotiation system specifically designed and developed for the 21st century’s Emerging Integrated Global Economy, (EIGE)©


Harrison-Chevalier, sets itself apart from competitors with our proprietary, results-driven approach to negotiation training and consulting.

H-C provides customized strategies tailored to your specific needs, preferences, and goals. 

Our proven methods, refined through decades of real-world experience, deliver measurable results, empowering clients to close deals faster, maximize savings, resolve roadblocks, and strengthen relationships.

We blend cutting-edge insights with practical, actionable tactics, ensuring immediate impact.  Whether through dynamic keynotes, immersive live and virtual trainings, or personalized consulting. Click here to learn more.

Many professionals who need and who use negotiation skills and consulting are not primarily hired to negotiate dollars and cents because their duties and responsibilities  reside in areas such as engineering, technical disciplines, politics, non-profit endeavors, film and creative arts,educationfinancial services,management, administration, leadershipmedicine and healthcare, law, automotive, aerospace utilities, or elsewhere; they are seeking a comprehensive set of tools tactics and strategies that allow them to adapt to the ever changing demands of their personal and work environments;  CNSUF™  EVOLVE LIVE is that cutting edge advantage.

CNSUF™ has consistently received the highest possible evaluation from members of ASME, from the U.S. Military, doctors, C Level leaders, non-profit executives & employees, as well as, from sales and procurement professionals who demand a cutting edge, quantitatively based universal framework that puts them in control of their skills and success.


CNSUF™ Continuum

H-C’s “Stealth” Consulting and executive training programs are based on the CNSUF™ Framework featuring the CNSUF Continuum™, the first universally adaptable negotiation framework specifically designed to be tailored for any individual, company or business challenge.

CNSUF™: EVOLVE LIVE  (H-C’s flagship program), is a powerful interactive experience designed to blow the doors off your negotiation knowledge, skills and potential.

Built on quantitative principles and six fundamental tenets EVOLVE LIVE is appropriate and adaptable for engineers & technical professionalseducators, Clevel executivespurchasing & sales professionals who are beyond simply raising and lowering prices; non-profit organizationsadministrators, managers anyone who interacts with other people in virtually any profession, business sector or industry.

A Tailored Integrated Approach

Women completing a successful negotiation and shaking hands with a client.

H-C  works with you to develop a tailored integrated approach specifically designed to assess and meet your needs, your budget, time-frame and real world objectives (H-C will tailor any combination of elements from our consulting, or negotiation programs, to create a proprietary program specifically designed for your organization, or group) . If you’ve ever attended a standard workshop or seminar you know that the curriculum has likely already been determined:


That’s why H-C’s in-house programs include  pre-workshop analysis, Confidential Participate Questionnaires’, BootCamp competitions to dramatically increase your take away,Mock Negotiations tailored to your profession or industry, Q&A, and  hand picked selection of multisensory interactive individual and  group exercises. In addition H-C includes live, and virtual follow-up, email support and issue based  specific support after the workshop ends.

H-C’s negotiation consulting and executive training programs are based on the CNSUF™ negotiation framework, featuring the CNSUF Continuum™

 CNSUF™ is the first universally adaptable negotiation framework specifically designed to be tailored for any individual, company or business challenge.

CNSUF™: EVOLVE LIVE  (H-C’s flagship workshop) is a powerful interactive experience designed to blow the doors off your negotiation knowledge, skills and potential.

Built on quantitative principles and six fundamental tenets EVOLVE LIVE is appropriate and adaptable for engineers & technical professionalseducators, clevel executivespurchasing & sales professionals who are beyond simply raising and lowering prices; non-profit organizationsadministrators, managers anyone who interacts with other people in virtually any profession, business sector or industry.

Learn How To:

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