In-house workshops

In-House Workshops-High Impact & Results CNSUF™ NEGOTIATION EVOLVED!

Harrison-Chevalier’s high-quality, high-impact CNSUF™ EVOLVE LIVE  workshops are designed for professionals seeking immediate, tangible results. Our fast-paced, interactive 1-day, 2-day, and half-day programs are tailored to your profession, business, and  specific goals, blending cutting-edge strategies with real-world application. Led by Derrick Chevalier, creator of the CNSUF™ (Comprehensive Negotiation Strategy Universal Framework), or one of our seasoned associates, these workshops provide actionable insights and hands-on training that elevate your negotiation skills to the next level. Expect dynamic learning, immediate takeaways, and a transformative experience that drives success in any negotiation scenario. Whether live or virtual, H-C’s workshops deliver the tools and techniques to close deals, secure savings, resolve issues, and build lasting business relationships.


In-House Workshops Transform your negotiation training skills with CNSUF™
  • 97% of H-C in-house participants rate EVOLVE LIVE workshops and other curated programs as 5 out of 5 in the following categories:
  • Sessions are well organized: 5
  •  Material (PowerPoint, workbook, handouts, supplemental material) helped clarify content: 5  
  • Activities (Mock negotiations, interactive exercises, discussion, Q&A) help participants clarify the content: 5
  • Professional competence will increase as a result: 5
  • Immediately use content on the job: 5

In-House programs include 1 & 2-day programs or 1/2- day presentations facilitated at your business or offsite at a local hotel or conference center of your choice.
Frankly, this is the best way to get full value from H-C’s programs because every H-C in-house program is customized specifically for your company and for the  job titles, backgrounds and preferences of each  group from within the company.

Our exclusive flat fee pricing model is based on the length of the program, the number of participants, and optional upgrades. No One offers more value or quality! Call now, or Click to schedule a no cost  no obligation consult to learn  how H-C can help your organization or team  earn more, save more, achieve more!


CNSUF™ For Group Negotiation and Events

Ninety-Seven percent of H-C in-house participants rate CNSUF™ programs as five out of five in the following categories: Sessions are well organized: 5. Material (PowerPoint, workbook, handouts, supplemental material) helped clarify content: 5. Activities (Mock negotiations, interactive exercises, discussion, Q&A) help participants clarify the content: 5. Professional competence will increase as a result: 5. Immediately use content on the job: 5

As individual clients move up and on from position to position they frequently bring CNSUF™  into their new company with them.

The average H-C client remains a client for seven years or more.

Smart, successful professionals don’t do these things unless they are receiving a great ROI.

Prestigious Not Prolific Client Relationships

H-C is a premier full service negotiation consultancy, peak performance, and training boutique we are not a prolific seminar factory. That means we have to perform and provide unprecedented real world results and extraordinary ROI for our clients on a consistent basis and we do. These facts are clearly demonstrated by the high level of repeat business and long term association maintained with a select group of valued clients who are our greatest assets.

Our best clients know that we will never establish a relationship with them and simultaneously agree to offer the same consulting and educational services to their direct competitor while we are engaged by them (and we will not violate confidentiality thereafter); our competitors by contrast cannot and do not make those same promises or have the same level of commitment to their clients; don’t take our word for it ask them and confirm this reality for yourself.

Ultimately H-C is most interested in establishing long term comprehensive relationships that not only include ½, 1 or  2-day in-house programs but a full compliment of services such as ongoing live consulting, train-the-trainer, material licensing, off and onsite one-on-one interactions with individual employees, proprietary joint activities, mock negotiation, negotiation preparation and debrief and other tailored services dedicated to behavioral change, full integration and extraordinary ROI (That said, such relationships often begin with that initial customized in-house program or presentation and grow thereafter).

H-C isn’t for everyone or every company and we’re proud of it. We specialize in providing the highest quality training and consulting with outstanding ROI, and long term relationships that get long lasting results!

The only way to find out if we have synergy is to start with a candid confidential conversation, call 818 242-8005 or click to schedule a no cost no obligation inquiry  today!

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